Whether you are new to orchids or a seasoned grower, Everything About Orchids will offer valuable insights from the experts at Longwood Gardens, one of the great gardens of the world.
Course Description
Since 1922, orchids have been one of Longwood’s premier plant collections—and remain a cornerstone of the Gardens today. Learn more about Longwood’s outstanding orchid collection and how you can grow and enjoy orchids in your own home with Greg Griffis, orchid grower, and Peter Zale, plant curator. You will learn about types of orchids, their cultural needs, and how to best grow and use these plants in your home, in floral designs, and even in the landscape! Greg's discussion about the care and culture of orchids provides an in-depth look at how Longwood cares for its collection. Learn tips and techniques for repotting and propagating orchids, and discover some unique native orchids.
The course also offers you opportunities to share your growing experiences with fellow enthusiasts. We look forward to learning together.
Course Details
Greg Griffis / Peter Zale
Video Lectures
Interaction Opportunities
Discussion Forums
Cost per student: FREE
Registration is open January 20, 2020 until January 6, 2021.